Governance Canada

Discussion + Information on Governance in Canada

Conrad Black’s petition for a pardon for his criminal convictions was refused by President George W. Bush. Will Conrad Black receive better treatment at the hands of President Donald Trump?

President-Donald Trump and Conrad Black are well acquainted with each other. As a faithful friend, Donald Trump attended the contentious and pivotal 2003 Hollinger shareholders’ meeting at the Metropolitan Club in New York and spoke in support of Conrad Black, while shareholders angrily challenged Hollinger’s underperformance and criticized Black’s related party transactions.

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Ethical Leadership and Corrupt Practices

The Chairman of the Board has a duty to lead the board to establish a sound ethical culture. The board is responsible for the governance of the company. With the assistance of the CEO and senior management, the Chairman and the board have the responsibility to see that the ethical culture is infused throughout the organization and becomes operationalized. The Chairman should enhance his/her role to become the “Chairman of the Company”, without assuming a management function. The beacon of ethical leadership in an organization is a pre-condition to the prevention of corruption and bribery.

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